Monday, February 22, 2021

''New Song, Instrumental'' By Acora White

 Acora White releases again a new song instrumental in 2021 ''Before I Go To Sleep''

You can stream it now on YouTube, a link will be below for audio track..

By Acora White {Feb, 22, 2021}

Song Cover Art: By Acora White

Releasing a second song this month, out of Burton MI, Acora White is fueled to share more musical projects with you more then ever. 

I know there is a lot on every bodies plates in todays America, ongoing collateral damages every where you look. I am just trying to become a musician like any other musicians but things have gotten harder for all of us.

I found my self being stuck in a mobile home park where I was targeted for who I was and how I looked. I had to move from one place to another at times to try to avoid harsh people. 

But it seems every where I go evil finds away. The thing is I can't allow this to change who I am, even if I cant sale a single thing, Even if I remain stuck here. We have to keep fighting for who we are. It is hard but you have to keep going.

I am hoping to escape this unhappy place that I still remain in today. You could also be in my similar situation trapped around people that don't even make any eye contact or don't even engage when you try to waive. 

Or you are just simply a target taken advantage of because your just a lone wolf like me. Just don't give up hope in fighting this battle because I cant either. 

I hope this song can be a reverse effect for any one, and give them hope to not give up to the temptation's that lie ahead waiting to judge them and crumble you to nothing. 

Most of my songs are from my heart like this one. Most of the time its about how I feel that usually reflects dark energy, but its usually to give me hope to fight back, and keep going through my darkest hours.

 I hope this song helps you or someone that feels a bit hurt and or angry to give them a positive outlet to fightback and not give up hope. Think! you for reading this, and if you can check out my song below just click on the image to take you straight to the video.

Find My Way Out (Official) Video..

Born in flint mi with the nick name vehicle city. Acora White is a singer, song writer and producer. Genre: Industrial, Synth Pop, Electronic.

 For any information or business inquiries contact:

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